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area :: A positionable rectangular container

visual: yes
container: yes


The area object is a generic positionable rectangular container that can also have a border around it. Text added inside it with a 'report/data' element or a 'value' setting (as with table rows and table cells) can flow using text flow, justification, and wrapping semantics.


Areas may be placed inside the system/report, or inside other areas, table rows, or table cells. Areas are containers, so they can contain other visual objects.

See 'Common Properties' for x, y, width, and height, which are used for positioning the area.


allowbreak yes/no Whether to allow the area to span multiple pages in the report if the text causes it to be larger than one page can hold.
border double Width of the outside border around the area.
fixedsize yes/no If set to 'yes', then the 'height' setting (see Common Properties) is followed strictly, otherwise the area is allowed to grow vertically to fit its contents.
value expression The text to be printed in the area. Can reference report/query objects using :queryname:fieldname syntax. When the expression references queries, it should be enclosed in the runserver() domain-declaration function (see SQL Language / Functions and Operators for more details).

Child Properties:

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Sample Code:

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