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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's


frameset :: A visual container used to create a DHTML frameset within which page widgets can be placed

visual: yes
container: yes
form element: no


The frameset widget provides the ability to construct a page consisting of multiple (potentially resizeable) frames.It is one of two possible top-level widgets (the page widget is the other one). Framesets can consist of one or more frames, arranged either in rows or columns.


The frameset can either be a top-level widget, or can be contained within a frameset (for subframes).The frameset widget should not be used anywhere else in an application. The frameset should contain only other framesets and/or pages.


title string Title of the frameset for an html page.
borderwidth integer Number of pixels wide the border(s) between the frame(s) are. Can be set to zero.
direction string Whether the frames are arranged in rows or columns. Set this attribute to "rows" or "columns"respectively.

Child Properties:

(of any child widgets)

framesize integer/string large this frame will be.Can either be expressed as an integer, which represents "50%".
marginwidth integer width, in pixels, of the margins of the frame.

Sample Code:

// Example of a page with three frames on it.
BigFrameset "widget/frameset"
	title = "MyTitle";
	direction = "rows";
	borderwidth = 3;
	TopFrameset "widget/frameset"
		framesize = "40%";
		direction = "columns";
		borderwidth = 3;
		TopLeftDocument "widget/page"
			framesize = "50%";
		TopRightDocument "widget/page"
			framesize = "50%";
	BottomDocument "widget/page"
		framesize = "60%";


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