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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's


treeview :: A visual widget used to display tree-structured data (such as a directory tree or similar).

visual: yes
container: no
form element: no


A treeview provides a way of viewing hierarchically-organized data via a "traditional" GUI point-and-click tree structure. A treeview has "branches" that can expand and collapse entire subtrees of data.

Centrallix treeviews present a subtree of the ObjectSystem, with the data dynamically loaded, on demand, from the server as the widget is used. The treeview widget thus has no intelligence in and of itself in determining what kinds of objects are presented at each level of the tree. Many times, this is exactly what is desired because the treeview is being used to simply browse objects in the ObjectSystem, such as directories and files. In other cases, the treeview is teamed up with a special ObjectSystem object called a "querytree" (QYT) object. The querytree object creates a hierarchical view from other potentially non-hierarchical data in the ObjectSystem, such as that from different database tables and so forth.


Treeviews can be placed inside of any visual container, but are usually placed inside of a scrollpane, since scrollpanes can expand to allow the user to view data that would not normally fit inside the desired container. Treeviews can contain only nonvisual widgets such as connectors.


source string The ObjectSystem path of the root of the treeview.
width integer width, in pixels, of the treeview.
x integer x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the treeview's root object.
y integer y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the treeview's root object.
icon string A pathname to an image to be used as icons for the items in the treeview.
highlight_background string A background image for the selected item in the treeview.
highlight_bgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used as the background for the selected item. If neither bgcolor nor background are specified, the selection is not visible.
highlight_fgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used for the text for the selected item.
fgcolor string A color, RGB or named, to be used for the text for the items in the treeview.
show_root yes/no Whether to display the root of the tree. If "no", then the root is auto-expanded and only its children are visible.
show_branches yes/no Whether to display the connections between items in the tree using lines.
show_root_branch yes/no Whether to display the connection lines between the root and the root's immediate children. If "no", the root's children are flush against the lefthand side of the treeview, otherwise the connecting lines show up.
use_3d_lines yes/no If set to "yes", the branch lines are drawn in a 3D style, otherwise they are drawn in a single color.


ClickItem occurs when the user clicks on the clickable link for an item in the treeview. Its one parameter is "Pathname", or the ObjectSystem path to the object which was selected.
RightClickItem to the above, but when the user right-clicks on an item in the treeview.

Sample Code:

// Example of a pane containing a scrollpane containing a treeview.
mypane "widget/pane"
	x=100; y=100; width=300; height=300;
	style = "lowered";
	bgcolor = "#c0c0c0";
	myscroll "widget/scrollpane"
		x=0; y=0; width=198; height=198;
		mytreeview "widget/treeview"
			x=1; y=1; width=175;


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